If People, Passion, Production, and Purpose are the hallmarks of good learning, how will we demonstrate them here?
High School Remixed's current design vision aims to innovate high school using the framework of Industry Recognized Credentials (IRCs).
This site was largely created to showcase our work with LRNG.
In 2018, LRNG spent its way out of viability and was absorbed by SNHU. SNHU has since folded up the work in a way not particulaly honoring the spirit of LRNG's charter or of Open Badges
At this writing, the example XP's are still available. We're working to salvage what we can before the servers cease to exist.
Ohio is one of many states now accepting industry certifications as credit toward high school graduation.
We're just starting to bootstrap this new certificate. It may be a first ever of this type and process.
(Black) Teen Literacy Matters
The innovation economy has changed the language of everyday work and exchange. It's also put powerful tools into the hands of individuals, entrepreneurs, and small group teams.
We'll get hands-on practice with some of these frameworks and toolsets, while learning the languages of inovators and entrepreneurs.
Explore the Innovation Economy
A high school much more connected to the outside world will give far more teens a better start on adult life. Who is changing high school? What tools are they using?
Start Designing the future of High School
While the innovation economy changes how we think of big things like space travel and health systems, our most vulnerable communities still have much opportunity to build in very basic ways. How can teens start making a difference now?
Explore Community Building
Science tells us more teens can be high school ready. Giving them that chance is the most fundamental kind of equit.
As we prototype this course, much of it is targeted to approximately a graduate school level. That's by design.
Help itereate this learning to make it easy and accessible to all.
Help Iterate "All Young Teens High School Ready"
While we'd always felt civics learning could be the highest use of this approach, we'd not intended to enter that space til much other work had been done.
An AT&T/LRNG contest changed that schedule. The result is an interesting experiment in badge/playlist design.
While certainly not on the front burner, or even in the kitchen right now, we wanted to offer this seed for #EnglishMajors.
A Remarkably Hard College Course describes, well, that.
But why can't some of these great ideas be accessible to any teen who's interested?
Just something to think upon...
Design of our signature courses began on the LRNG/Columbus platform in early 2017. Each is built up of "XP's", "Playlists", and Badges.
The three course's design processes will interact. Teens working on 'High School of the Future' will think about their own learning by struggling with 'Innovation Economy' XP's. Challenges faced in designing the 'Innovation Economy' course will drive XP's and playlists in 'High School of the Future' course. And pedagogical/cognitive ideas found and developed in the 'School of the Future' course will help refine the design of the 'Building Community' XP's and playlists.
Each course has an intial target of being a full semester, that any Ohio teen could take, largely online, for credit toward graduation. (Credit awarded under Ohio's Credit Flexibility option--see your guidance counselor or a teacher-mentor. [ Ohio's Credit Flex option - official page]
The three course projects serve a much larger aim. Can teens help build their own courses? Can teachers work together across geography and time to iterate better, perhaps revolutionary courses? Can community members join in both the design of the coursework and the mentoring of teen learners?
We'll build each up piece by piece, in open source fashion. We'll test each as they pass the 1/4 credit stage, with teens who can benefit from such a short-course. Eventually, each will likely offer a second semester.
At more than 20 EdCamps, we've listened to teachers in intimate settings, hearing their wishes for their teens and their frustrations and limitations with extending learning to include non 'core' learning like entrepreneurship.
This is our best design for getting many of these teachers what they seek.
LRNG Youth Platform Orientation from LRNG on Vimeo.